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AERO COLOR Schmincke 405 BASIS CYAN 250 ml

37.00 €


AERO COLOR Schmincke 405 BASIS CYAN 250 ml Large sizes paints

Always attention to detail, technical skills, passion in our work and great attention to customer needs are the strengths that have allowed us to excel in the field of sale of AERO COLOR Schmincke 405 BASIS CYAN 250 ml.
Consultando il catalogo di Aerografando you will immediately notice how vast it is and how diversified the model range is Large sizes paints, you will find the best AERO COLOR Schmincke 405 BASIS CYAN 250 ml offers at the best prices on all AERO COLOR Schmincke 405 BASIS CYAN 250 ml of the brands Schmincke.

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AERO COLOR Professional has been developed specially for airbrush guns; the colours suit also very good for retouching pens, dip-pens and brushes.

AERO COLOR Professional stands for ideal working properties. AERO COLOR Professional colours have a pleasant odour, are easy to use and can be used on most grease-free surfaces. All colours are ready for use. Due to their finest pigmentation, they can be used pure but can also be diluted with AERO MEDIUM or with water.

All colours come in 28 ml jars, 24 colours are also available in plastic 250 ml and 5 primary colours are available also in 1000 ml jars for artists using large quantities.

Many of the 36 colours as well as the 24 new effect colours are single-pigment shades that guarantee brilliant mixtures and an unlimited variety of shades. A large number of the bright colours are transparent or semi-transparent. They can be made opaque by adding a minute quantity of extremely opaque AERO COLOR Professional colour SUPRA-white, opaque without losing their brightness.

AERO COLOR Professional adheres particularly well to all sorts of papers and cardboards as well as the usual, non-absorbent surfaces such as film, hard plastics and – after appropriate preliminary treatment – metal. The colours are easy to mask and excellent for graphic designs and special airbrush techniques.

AERO COLOR Professional dries semi-matt, is water-resistant and is easy to reproduce.

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Read the reviews of our customers on AERO COLOR Schmincke 405 BASIS CYAN 250 ml of the category Large sizes paints.
With us you will find only satisfied customers, thanks to a technical assistance made by those who really know the world Large sizes paints.

Review AERO COLOR Schmincke 405 BASIS CYAN 250 ml of the brand Schmincke.
Trust in the quality and professionalism of Aerografando on the sale of AERO COLOR Schmincke 405 BASIS CYAN 250 ml, only from us you will find the best prices.

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