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Always attention to detail, technical skills, passion in our work and great attention to customer needs are the strengths that have allowed us to excel in the field of sale of Vallejo MODEL AIR color BLUE GREY.
Consultando il catalogo di Aerografando you will immediately notice how vast it is and how diversified the model range is MODEL AIR, you will find the best Vallejo MODEL AIR color BLUE GREY offers at the best prices on all Vallejo MODEL AIR color BLUE GREY of the brands Vallejo.

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Vallejo MODEL AIR color BLUE GREY - AV71115

Model Air is a range of liquid acrylic colours developed especially for airbrush techniques, with very finely ground pigments and an acrylic resin with properties of extreme resistence and durability.
The formula contains a new acrylic resin with properties until now impossible to obtain in a waterbased acrylic. The resistence, hardness and covering power of Model Air is superior to any known acrylic for airbrushing.
The pigments used for airbrush colours need to be ground to the finest possible consistency to avoid obstruction of the airbrush valves. The revolutionary milling process of the pigments used in the Model Air formula gives the modelpainter technical assurance and finest texture when applying the colours to the model, and produces a very superior qualtity when applying the colours with a brush for miniscule details, for washes and transparencies and layered application of diluted glazes.
Colours can be mixed with one another, diluted with water, Model Air Thinner or Varnish, according to the effect desired, but we recommend the use of Model Air Thinner since this product conserves the properties of the colours. Model Air adheres excepcionally well to all surfaces. The adhesion of Model Air to resin models, plastics, steel and white metal is extraordinary. Once protected with varnish, (Gloss, Matte or Satin) Model Air can be overpainted with solvent based enamels or oilcolours: they withstand cleaning with turpentine and even a light wash with alcohol. The resistance to abrasion of the colours, once varnished, is superior to any other waterbased acrylic.
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With us you will find only satisfied customers, thanks to a technical assistance made by those who really know the world MODEL AIR.

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Trust in the quality and professionalism of Aerografando on the sale of Vallejo MODEL AIR color BLUE GREY, only from us you will find the best prices.

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